Acupuncture is acknowledged by the World Health Organisation for treatment of numerous medical conditions. The British Medical Association recognises that acupuncture is safe and effective for many conditions.
A survey has shown that acupuncture is number ONE alternative therapy in Britain. (THE TIMES, June 26 2000)
Traditional acupuncture is now one of the most popular therapies in the UK. Despite its widely recognized health benefits, many people only discover the therapy as a last resort rooted in over two thousand years of history and backed by evidence based on research. Traditional acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of both physical and emotional conditions. The therapy is based on the meridian system and the balance and flow of energy known as Qi. Energy flows in lines called meridians up and down the body just like the electrical circuits in the house, it is believed that illness and pain occur when the meridians become unbalanced or blocked, and so the energy can no longer flow freely, finally sterile needles are placed painlessly on the body to help regulate this flow of energy encouraging a healing response and restoring balance the holistic style of traditional acupuncture means that treatment is unique for each individual, the focus is on the root cause of a problem not just the symptoms, to help restore or maintain good health, this system of healthcare is practiced by members of the British acupuncture council.
It has been proved over more than 3000 years that acupuncture can impact positively on health and well being, the treatment of various medical conditions and prevention of illness.
Acupuncture can also be used to prevent illness and disharmony from developing in the first place. An over-worked brain can damage the spleen and lead to Qi deficiency. Since acupuncture can be used to keep the spleen tonified, it is therefore useful in situations requiring intense mental activity.
Acupuncture is classified in Group I of complementary and alternative medicine in The House of Lords Report (21 November 2000), which means it has some scientific evidence of effectiveness.
In scientific terms, by stimulating the nervous system, acupuncture treatment for anxiety triggers biochemical changes, which in turn alter the brain’s mood chemistry to help to combat negatively affected states. These changes will influence the body’s homeostatic mechanisms (mechanisms generated by the body to maintain inner balance).
In detail, acupuncture for anxiety can also reduce sensitivity to pain and stress, instigate relaxation and deactivate the ‘analytical’ brain which is responsible for anxiety and worry, regulate levels of neurotransmitters and hormones, stimulate the production of endogenous opioids and reverse stress-induced changes in behaviour and biochemistry.
Acupuncture can be safely combined with conventional treatments such as medication or psycho-educational therapy, possibly enhancing their beneficial effects and reducing unwanted side effects.
If you think you are suffering from anxiety, please contact our acupuncture clinic to discuss your case and possible treatments.
See what the British Acupuncture Council says about treating anxiety with acupuncture.